Here's some pictures of Mau Mau for Corinnea to see. The top one is my little Pig Blossom as a kitten sitting on Mau. The next one is of Mau, Alfalfa between his legs and Piggy in the back ground. The last one is of Mau Mau on our patio (back in the states) getting some sun. I caught him in mid meow. He looks like a devil cat but really he was the sweetest cat. Well, except when if was feeding time. He would push the other cats out of the way and go from bowl to bowl eating all the food (we had four cats so he had lot of bowls to choose from). He died about 4 years ago maybe 6 months or so after we got here. This is the cat Jon and I got when we moved in together 16-1/2 years ago! We had him cremated and he now sits on a shelf in a little black urn.
We still have Piggy and my sister has Alfalfa and we have Frank who is not in any of these photos. I will probably have Piggy and Frank cremated too. What about you Adrienne?
Mau reminds me of my childhood cat, Lucy. She was a bit darker.... Very cute cats!
Love the kitties. :)
Somehow, it doesn't surprise me that you had him cremated. It just sort of....fits. Do you still have the other kitties?
We still have Piggy and my sister has Alfalfa and we have Frank who is not in any of these photos. I will probably have Piggy and Frank cremated too. What about you Adrienne?
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