12 more Half Eaten Gingerbread men. These things take forever to make!

I have my priorities straight when it comes to unpacking.
My sewing room comes 1st .

I made curtains for both bathrooms out of old Ikea curtains. I can see now that i didn't quite cover the window. Anyway, we have somewhat frosted glass in each bathroom but you can still see very well through them if you are outside! We also have rolladens but I like a lot of light so those only go down at night. When researching rolladens, I came across some interesting comments and facts on them (more Germans have rolladens than driver's license. they were developed during world war 2. ) . If you don't know what they are ,
google them. They NEED to catch on in America! From what I could tell, some places do have them but not many. They are not only a form of security, they can completely block out light and in the summer can make your house cooler. We could have used these when Jon worked 3rd shift before we married. I think 99.9999% of all apartments and houses have these on the windows. I have seen some ghetto looking apartments with rolladens. It's just standard here like closest are in America! I think about doing a post on the comparisons all the time. Germans have some cool things going on here but also some not so cool things like no closets and renting an apartment WITHOUT a kitchen. What?
I realize that a post on the comparisons will probably only interest me (along with the huge paragraph above on rolladens).
When we visited the states, the only people who asked us about living here and seemed to want to hear about what it's like here were people who had visited Europe. Otherwise we got bored looks when we'd say, "did you know, that in Germany...." and I'm sure they thought we were bragging that we live in Europe.
Anyone else have this problem when they visit home?

And one of my awesome handmade going away gifts!
Kara made this for me out of some of my favorite fabrics. I.LOVE.THIS. Notice the mushroom zipper pull?
I have more cool going away/birthday gifts to posts. Fun things!
Awesomeness! I really love the pouch from Kara, too cute!
I miss roladens!!! Post housing here has the CHEAPEST possible blinds. All they do is make it so that you can't really see in, except shadows of people moving around. They hardly keep out any light, which is nice during the day, but sucks at night. Especially since the street light is right in front of both girls' windows. Right now we are ghetto fabulous with some blackout lining nailed over the windows! Someday I will get around to putting up real curtains!
Love your gingy boys!
Glad one of us has their priorities straight when it comes to unpacking.... My room is still blech.
If you do comparisons I would enjoy it! People here don't really ask about differences or things about Germany at all. Hmmm, strange. You're right the only people that ask are people that have been.
Kara's bag, so cute! Can't wait to see the rest of the goodness!
The gingerbread men are great I just found mums while unpacking the other day-very cute!
I think a comparison would be fun. Totally know where your coming from on the talking to people in the states about Europe. I just stopped talking about it... it seemed the easiest way to deal with people.
love your gingerbread men! personally i love to hear about differences between two cultures, especially the domestic day to day differences - the little details - please keep posting about this!
I love those gingerbread men!
I like the comparisons, but I guess that proves your point since I live here....
Well, I like comparisons too, but like the others, I lived there :) I do find that people glaze over if I start talking about things in Germany. I still do it though because I miss it there. We had roladens when I was in the hotel for the first month of our time there. I LOVED them. Of course you know that we didn't have them in our housing units though. I was always bummed about that. Jen
There is so much about Germany that I love and the roladens are really something I wish we had here in the States. I would enjoy reading your comparisons. After I've been to Germany I talk about it a lot! Thank goodness my friends liked (and still do) to hear about it. I do have to watch myself about going overboard and seeming like I'm bragging about "all" my trips.
Your little gingys are darling.
Should have bought a Gingy for myself last year as well. My sister loves hers =]
yeah, that bag did turn out pretty cute! Look at the creative genius you inspire in me...
Love the gingys!!!! So damn cute!
I, too, would be interested in hearing the comparisons.
I love the roladens, too, and wish wish wish we had them here!! However, some of the classrooms at my school have them, which is so random (not mine of course).
thanks everyone! I'm happy to hear that I'm not the only one who experiences eyes-glazing-over when they talk about here. I will someday make a list of all the weird, crazy, good and bad things about living here. There are some interesting differences for sure! I think I should have all my Germany blogger friends post their top 5 or 10 most annoying things about living here (and good things too). See if we all put the same things (personal space anyone?). I wonder what Germans would list for living in America? Surely it can't be that their annoyed that they can shop on Sundays?? Or that their apartment comes with closets?? I would definitely make a list of the things I love about here becasue I DO love it here. I wouldn't have been here 7 years already if I didn't!
Personal space! Hahahaha! I have never had my butt touched by so many strangers as when in line in Germany! It made me want to wave my arms around and shout "Give me some space, people"!
I love your gingerbread men. Do you have a pattern for it? They would make great ornaments for friends at the holidays.
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