*embroidery from badbird on etsy
I have only been cleaning and getting rid of stuff so the crafting has been small. I've nothing to show...except some stuff I bought and some inspiration. I got the above and below embroidery pattern for my airplane ride home but sadly I was just so tired and worn out from Ava that I didn't do one bit of embroidery the whole 3 weeks.

I want these portraits below baaad. Except they would be of me, Jon, Emily & Ava. But I'm not so sure about one of Jon. He shaves his head. I can't imagine it looking good. All you would see is skin. I'm laughing just imagining it!

How cool is this soap?!

I sooo wish I could wear headbands. Not only do they give me headaches but this particular kind (stretchy) won't stay on my head. I just don't have a big enough bump at the base of my skull to hold them on. I'm guessing that's why. This is so cute. I hope I can get Emily or Ava to wear headbands.
This shirt screams Nicolas Allen!! And Emily.
Tschüss means "bye" in German. When I first got here, Jenny B was my first friend. She has 3 kids and her youngest would say Tschuss when we'd leave a store. I kept thinking she was just making a weird sound (like kids do) but it turns out it's really a word! Can you say Ra-Tard? But in my defense I had just moved to Germany! It reminds of this one time on Friends...when someone (who Kelly? Christina Appelgate, Rachels sister?) thought someone else was just making a weird sound when that person was actually saying Phoebe. Something like that. Does anyone remember that episode?Or did non of that makes sense?
And just to clear up what my post title means (becasue i haven't already written enough and bored everyone to death) it has to do with my brother-in-law Steve. When he visited in 2008, we was saying tschüss when he'd enter a store. We didn't know he was doing this until we saw it once. It was so freaking funny telling him that you say it when you leave not as a greeting. It's like walking in to a store and saying to everyone "bye!". He said, "oh, that's why I was getting funny looks!". It can still make me laugh.
Anyone else experiance a language Faux pas that's either embarrasing or funny?
Anyone else experiance a language Faux pas that's either embarrasing or funny?
SOoo much cute stuff! I'm too overwhelmed to comment on everything but i will say that it IS the episode where christina applegate visits for thanksgiving and thinks phoebe's name is emma, because she thinks the baby's name is emily or emmet, and phoebe corrects her, but she thinks phoebe's introducing herself. make sense??
GAH only three more weeks and I'm going to completely miss one of them! That sucks!!! That's some cute stuff you've got photographed there! That soap cracks me up! I can't believe it! A friends Trivia question and I don't know!!!! And I probably made at least three Friends jokes today! I am not looking forward to the day you say tschüss to Stuttgart.
I think I kinda know how you're feeling right now.... maybe, just a bit.
Love your inspiration photos!
The Schweinfurt photo is beautiful too!
Hope the next couple of monthes go smoothly for you!
You're funny!
Love all of the stuff you picked you should do that more often!
And yes the stumps is sturdy.It doesn't look like it but it is kind of massive and it has hard little feet.... oh and about a hundred pounds of schliech toys being stored inside!
I LOVE the tschuss story! It made me smile! You are not retarded...it's different when you don't know. As for the friends episode you are RIGHT! It was Christina Applegate and she was one of my favorite (stupid) guest stars on that show. Miss you and hope you call me Sunday (I will be out of town on Saturday for my birthday) but I really want to talk to you.
I LOVE the tschuss story! It made me smile! You are not retarded...it's different when you don't know. As for the friends episode you are RIGHT! It was Christina Applegate and she was one of my favorite (stupid) guest stars on that show. Miss you and hope you call me Sunday (I will be out of town on Saturday for my birthday) but I really want to talk to you.
I LOVE the tschuss story! It made me smile! You are not retarded...it's different when you don't know. As for the friends episode you are RIGHT! It was Christina Applegate and she was one of my favorite (stupid) guest stars on that show. Miss you and hope you call me Sunday (I will be out of town on Saturday for my birthday) but I really want to talk to you.
Okay - so much to say! 1) Tschuss! 2) I thought I was the only person in the world who cannot wear a headband! Little did I know it's genetic! 3) LOVE the skull embroidery! 4) It was Christina Applegate on Friends with Phoebe 5) You're so lucky to have had such a wonderful experience in Stuttgart and to be surrounded by such awesome women. I envy that! But, I know you will continue to make friends wherever you go because you're fun, sweet and thoughtful, and people are drawn to you. 6) The new town you're moving to is beautiful. 7) Tschuss!
Wow, you made me laugh and cry in the same post! WOMAN, I'm goona miss you =(
Nicolas would love the shirt! Super Duper Cute!
Love your new header!
When I first went to Germany 21 years ago I did the same thing Steve did, only with the word, "bitte." I would say it when the waitress brought my plate to the table. I thought I was saying thank you. I did it several times before the people at the table told me I should say "danke." I love the button soap!
We're going to miss you guys - don't forget you have a holiday home in Stuttgart whenever you want to come!
I love all the stuff you picked from Etsy - I am completely addicted to Etsy at the moment and have a lot of stuff in my cart!
Couldn't John just commute the three hours to work instead of you moving???
Such cute stuff! I already miss seeing some of your work and things you find in person!
And that's too funny about your brother! :)
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