6 pictures of the same quilt.
It's my Scrappy X Mendocino Quilt! It's done! Except for the binding. Does anyone have an opinion? I'm actually thinking of doing white.
Almost all the fabrics I used are Mendocino by Heather Ross. The only ones that aren't are the polka dots and the blue grid fabric.

It's a queen size even though you can't tell here.

Katelyn had to walk me through getting started on the long arm. It had been too long and my notes were awful. Thanks Katelyn:)

The back is all the little fish print. See below? You can see my mistake. I guess I didn't' have my backing taught enough. oops:)

What I've been working on for the past week (below). I took this photo the other day and now all the blue has been filled in with embroidery. Now i have to do the back. Can you guess what it is? The white is a cotton batiste.
Fantastic quilt! I especially love the fishies swimming across the back. I'm clueless as to what your newest project might be. It's terribly cute already, though, and now I want to see pictures now that "all the blue has been filled in." :)
I love love love the quilt. You did a great job!
I have no idea what the second thing is.
I LUUUUVVVVVVV your quilt! I think white would be perfect for the binding.
I know I know I know!!!! And it is going to be GORGEOUS! Are you going to be done by tomorrow??
You make me want to embroider so bad and it's just not happening for me.
it's Mendocino week! haha. I really really really love it. esp all the fishes, they're delishes....
that top... seriously? it's going to be my new favorite thing...
so just went back and re-read your whole post... i often comment before reading cuz I get to too excited... I guess I am just assuming it's a top... cuz I'd want to wear that it's so cute... and it's shaped like my favorite kind of summer top, so I hope that's what it is
B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L!!!!! You have inspired me to do something with my medocino fabric. I am too afraid to cut it all up ;) Are you makeing a top? Can't wait to see it finished. I am going to have to take embroidery lessons from you, you are amazing with your designs ;)
LOVE the quilt! White would probably be nice for the binding! But I think any of the light colors would be cool. Is that... it it? Could it be? OMG I'm going to be SO FREAKIN jealous!
I see it, I see it!!!!! It's a shirt, Right? Now the question is, is it for you or Emily. Hmmmm.
I loooovvveeeee this quilt!!!! I think yes to the white binding! So pretty. I that embroidery is making me jealous too! It is a top isn't it???
You know, I never cared for quilts until I saw the ones you made. I remember my mom got me a quilt at the Swap Meet when I was a kid and I thought it was SO ugly! But yours are beautiful - I love them, just like everything else you make. =D Is that an embroidered peasant blouse that you are making? Whatever it is, it's going to be freakin' adorable!
it's a top for me right? :) It really looks like it will be beautiful. I love the quilt. I also like the looseness of the backing. It makes it look softer if that makes sense. SSSSSOOOO I leave for Seatle Friday...wish me luck...no seriously.
The quilt is beautiful! You've done a great job! And the top! I can't wait to see the finished project. What a cool idea!
Nice quilt! I too, love the fish especially. And the embroidery is very cute.
And no idea what you'll make next! But that's what keeps making us all come back to check out your posts! Can't wait! :)
love love love the quilt! I would steal it if I could figure out how!
Bumble Bees!
That quilt is IMPRESSIVE!!!! Love it!
Kimberly: It does look like bumble bees! i was thinking that too.
thanks everyone for the nice comments. I'm particularly proud of this one:)
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