This stamp was a stocking stuffer for my sister who is a teacher.
It's from craftpudding on etsy (you may remember these stamps I got in 2008). I have been working on my X quilt so I have no other crafting to show. I have 80 blocks done and need a total of 192 for a queen size. I'm getting there...
It's from craftpudding on etsy (you may remember these stamps I got in 2008). I have been working on my X quilt so I have no other crafting to show. I have 80 blocks done and need a total of 192 for a queen size. I'm getting there...
Now on to the crayons....Jon left a pack of crayons in his cargo pants (note to self: always check ALL the pockets on cargo pants. Including the ones on the thigh)
All the clothes were dark in color and about half of them were new, never worn.
I started to clean the dryer last night after ignoring the mess for a day. Trying not to cry actually. Look at the thick clumps of crayon in the dryer. So this is what I learned from online: use a magic eraser to clean the inside of machine (this is true, it works except on the clumps in which case I'll be using a razor). Use w-d 40 on the stains. Well I haven't done this because they were all dark and I'm afraid the clothing will be discolored afterwards and also because as you can see, the crayon is not in a spot or two. It's ALL over everything. Does anyone have experience with this?? Keep in mind, the clothes went through the dyer! So the crayon is heat set.

My new cargo pants from Gap:( And the red sweats and orange socks are new..You must click on the below image to see how bad the clothing is stained.
OH NO!!! I'm SO sorry to hear about your clothes and machine! But, I'm pretty sure you're not the only person in the world that's happened too. Wish I knew what would help though! Let me know how it goes!
Well that just sucks!!!! What is up with peoples new years luck!! I have no idea what will get it out I have had the same issue with chapstick though...
The stamp is awesome.
I can not bear to expand the photo to see just how bad it is. I had the same thing happen and yes, I razored it off the dryer and called the clothes a loss. BUT that was before I heard that wd-40 can clean almost anything like that. So just try it. They're shot anyway so who cares if they discolor, but I don't think they will. Sorry! At least it wasn't a Blackberry....
OMG, that's awful ;(.. That happend to me with a lipstick, had to throw the clothes away. I'm with Corinnea, try the WD40 you do not have anything to loose. By the way, me likey the stamp, ;-)
The stamp is adorable! I bet Julia absolutely loved it. Super cute! OH MAN - that really sucks about the crayons. Did you kick Jon's ass? I know he didn't do it on purpose, but I would PISSED!!!!! I don't know for sure, but I think wax remover would take it out. (since crayons are wax based) Lycon makes a really good one. I've even used it to get wax out of clothing and it works! Good luck with the crayon removal!!!
OH NO!!!!!! That's terrible!!!! I am anxious to hear if that works just in case the inevitable happens at our house....
Wow, that really sucks!!!! I can't believe it hasn't happened to me yet. I feel so sick for you =(
AHHHH! I have NO experience with this but I feel a lot of pain seeing this. I would also recommend wax remover, it has worked to get candle wax out of a fabric tablecloth. Good luck!!!!
Normally, for wax, I'd say put it on a paper bag and iron it out...but since it's heavily pigmented wax, it might just set the color into the fabric. So...try the WD-40, and let us know if it works!
The stamp is super cute, I might have to get something like it for my aunt, who is also a teacher. :)
This website has ideas on how to remove crayon from clothes. I was just staring at the mess with my mouth open - good luck.
holy crap... Zac is totally going to do this one day, the craziest things end up in the dryer from his pockets... Boo crayons!
I may be too late as this was posted 13 days ago, but for future reference. My neice did the same thing. She posted this on her blog and said it worked like a charm.
Recipe from Crystal for getting out crayon stains from your clothes in the dryer BLESS the Internet! :)
Just in case any of you are also as unfortunate as we were... I'm posting the recipe here:
• 2 max doses of liquid TIDE or PUREX (we used PUREX)
• 1 cup of Powdered OxyClean
• 1 cup 20 Mule TeamBorax
• 1 cup liquid Shout
• 1 cup white Vinegar
We used warm water because our load was colors. We added ingredients to a large load of water, and let it agitate for a couple minutes to mix it up.
Then we added our poor, stained clothing and let it agitate a couple more minutes.
Then we soaked it for about 2-3 hours.
Last we let it run a full wash cycle with the ingredients still in.
When we were done, ALL the stains were GONE!!! ( Be sure to clean the dryer out too or you'll restain your clothes! )
Thank you everyone and especially Donna and Jessica for suggesting sites or solutions. I've waited how many days now? And I'm finally going to try the mixture Donna suggested. I have to get one more ingredient. I'll post how it goes when done! Thanks everyone:)
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