new bib/apron/art smock fabric. not as good a quality as the others but still... I need to see how it holds up in the wash.

Emily fell off my bed the other night head first..in her sleep. She does this every once in a while. It's scary but also funny because of the sounds she makes when it happens. I'll hear a thump then an "oh!", OH!" then crying. The "oh" is the funny part. I think the photo looks like an anti child abuse photo. Like a give-money-to-this-fund-to-stop-this-kind-of-abuse ad. or something..I can't put my finger on it. Big sad puppy dog eyes.

This picture of Ava makes me laugh because her foot looks freakish. Like it couldn't be hers. The orange shirt is Halloween pj's. I already have her in them because she'll be too big for them probably the time Halloween gets here. I was in the basement going through Emily's old clothes and seeing what Ava can fit in and then getting depressed because soon Ava will be in the same size as Emily! No kidding. One is freakishly small and one is freakishly big. Ok, not freakishly but you know what I mean. On Emily's growth chart at WIC she is going down for height. She's not shrinking but she's not growing as fast as the chart says she should. Jon's niece is very very small for her age. I can't remember exactly but I think she hasn't grown in a few years. She's 12 and wears a size for a 6 years old (that type of thing but again, I don't remember exactly what Jon's sister told me). She's had testing etc. done to see what's going on. So it's very possible Emily has the same thing or possible there is nothing wrong with her.. We'll see....
I'm still working on
Chuck's girlfriend Molly. She should be done today. That's what I'm naming him. Unless someone has a better name...and yes, Chuck and Molly are my former bosses names.
New fabric - love it!
Emily - CUTE even with rug burn and waif like big brown eyes!!
Ava - CUTE don't worry I know that foot.. it's hers, she was sticking it in my face the other day, ok maybe I was sticking my face in her foot, whatever.
And don't worry until you have to worry and even then try not to worry too much because they are both so perfect the way they are!!!
awww, what cute girls. I totally see what you mean about the pic of Emily! ha! What size will miss Ava fit into right now? I've got a sweater and a hoody I love too much to give away (12 mos sizes I think???) Let me know if you want them....I'll send you pics if you want... Oh and I've also got a brown pair of (I think H&M) brown cords, and a pair of olive/tan colored capris with a ruffle bottom..... I'm sad that Maleah outgrows the clothes I love on her, but we move too much to keep them! :( Interested in a Killesberg trip soon? (if the crazy weather goes, that is!) hmmm, guess I shoulda just emailed you! :)
oh, by the way, since I only mentioned it TWICE..those cords? They're brown! (love re-reading my comment AFTER I post it!)
I laughed through your whole post! Your kids are not freakish and she does look like a poster child for some anti-abuse fund!
Ava is wearing from 6-18 months depends on the brand but mostly 12 mo. So yes Sasha, I would love the clothes! And we need to just set a date for the pool. Email me!
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