I know these shoes aren't for everyone but I love them! They are for Emily and they remind me of my high school years. They look like
Dr. Martens but for kids! I had an apple green pair, bright blue pair, red pair, black pair (I traded the green ones I think with my friend Stephanie for the black ones which I gave to Jenny Bean a couple of years ago) and I don't know how many other colors and styles (Jon had green suede ones when we met). I still have a black pair. Anyway, I fell in love with them when I was looking on eBay for different boots for Emily. They are
Oilily (really good quality) and have really buttery soft leather on the inside.

another bib..

and two more aprons.
ohhhhhhhh I LOVE the boots!!! Will you dress me too??? I want to look like Emily.
The new stuff looks so cute! Show and tell at work today!!!
My best friends growing up was in love with doc martens! She got her favorite pair (bright orange) at a Dr. Marten's store in London, while she was there the summer before our senior year.
And, by the by, you have a couple of the best dressed children that I have *EVER* seen! Most adorable, of course, goes with out saying at this point. (I might need to revise this statement when April rolls around, though. :)
VERY cute boots! There is just something SO irresistable about teeny tiny kid boots, and those are great! I like that fabric you made the bib out of, too! I'm totally with the others on how cute your kiddos always look! :) I always think it's SO fun to dress the kidlets in things that you love, but could never get away with wearing yourself. It's like dolly dress up! hehehe....
What size are those?? I think I could get my foot in them! j/k seriously when I have kids I am totally going to copy you...
I know they had to be oilily boots! that's what i thought as soon as i saw them. They are VERY cute! Good thing you found them on eBay cuz their stuff is expensive!
I am going to steal those boots, I don't know how, but where there's a will there's a way!!!!! I just need to borrow you for a shopping expedition someday, you always find the coolest stuff!!!!!
Jocelyn: I totally thought of you and our High School years when I saw these! I'm so glad you like them.You introduced me to oilily when you lived here. I still have that metal tin/soap holder thingy. I'm so glad everyone responded nicely about the boots! Becasue of Jon's reaction to them ("oh, babe, I don't know about those..")I was doubting my taste:) And yes Sasha, It is the most fun dressing up Emily in stuff I want to wear but don't have the b@lls to. If I had enough time and money I would love to open a store that just sold cool kids stuff. But I don't want it bad enough.
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