A month or so ago Corinnea and I got on the subject of running away and I mentioned i had a runaway note I wrote when I was about 9 or 10 (1982-83?).I even have it framed! I told her I would find it and post it. Here it is written out just like I wrote it, spelling errors and all:
Dear the hole family,
I've ran away for good's no won
lik's me everybody hits and yels
i Love you guys i'm going with my
friend I'm going to be ware ing
my pants that i got at the grage
Sale Love it jeans with stars and diamonds
on them and a flowerd shirt that
tiy's in the front my vans and
my shirt is blue i'm going north
please find me becasue
I don't like staying alone at night
i Love you so much
Love Jenny
on highway
and then tell Chrissy's mom she went too.
OMG your note is hilarious! Love it! I never left a note, just "ran away" to my closet, and fell asleep (which scared my mom for a while when she couldn't find me!) HA! I love how that taggie turned out! That flannel is ADORABLE!!!! I'm gonna start my flap fabric book later today I think, after I finish my diaper/wipe thingy and changing pad (for my prego friend...) Can't wait to see you again... yesterday was great! Hope you have a good weekend!!!!
Oh my, you have always been creative then. It made me laugh and remember how it felt to be that age (yes, even though it was a looooong time ago)... My note, had I left one, would have read something like, I've run away, you'll be sorry now.....
I love the taggie you made. Ava will appreciate it someday. She may even run away with it... I'm wearing my Crew kids outfit and I have my taggie....
I never really tried to run away. My sister did, though, probably at least once a week. But she would always go to Brandon's house to hang out with his mom, and then my aunt would go get her and bring her home. She never did leave any notes...
And, the taggie is awesome! Seriously, if Ava doesn't want it, I do!! Maybe I won't chew on it, but I'll curl up with it to sleep. (I firmly believe you are never too old to sleep with a toy!)
That note is SOOOO funny! I wrote mine on index cards! I think there might have been like 10 of them! LOL!
That taggie thing is cute. Maybe Ava will like it in a few days. Post an update... :)
Corinnea, you are too funny! I hope they never try and run away. My sister said the note "breaks her heart" becasue it represents a bad time in our lives but I think it's funny and I feel better knowing EVERYONE runs away! And the taggie...well, I MADE her eat one or two of the ribbons but that didn't work so I spanked her:) No really, she still has no interest in it. It's only becasue I want her to play with it that she won't!
HA! That note is hilarious!!! :)))) Love your blog!
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