I'll post more when I have more time:) The babies are FINALLY asleep. I left to get my haircut this afternoon and when I came back Jon informed that the girls had wore him out. Actually he said they're "killing me". I so know what he's talking about! Two can really wear a person out. Makes me want to cry and say mean things and shake 'em (do I have to say I'm kidding? ok, I'm kidding..). Ava spit up the entire contents of her bottle 2 times while sitting on the couch. That darn Bumbo Seat makes her barf but she loves sitting in it! Emily followed me around asking me what I was doing and why. She asked me why over and over again. What are you doing? Dying my hair. Why? Because it needed it. Why? Because it's past due. Why? Then she'll say what are you doing (again)? And I say still dying my hair...why? Arghhh! Corinnea told me to make stuff up so at one point she said what are you doing and I said riding a camel in the desert (Corinnea, is that the one you used to say all the time?). It took her a second to realize I switched my answer and then she started laughing but then went right back to the why's. I found one lonely Zanax in the medicine cabinet a while back that is long long expired (yes, I kept it). I wonder if it's still potent...but one Zanax? That's just one day or about 6 hours of bliss then right back to the high blood pressure..Oh, and at dinner, I finally sit down to eat and Ava pukes. Clean it up and then stinky pants wonders over and tries to get in my lap smelling like a port-o-potty! The fan was blowing right on us and making me gag! But I had just sat down to eat-again. Should I get up and change her or just deal with the smell so I can finally eat? I changed her but I didn't want to and I certainly didn't do it for her.
It's my pitty party and I'll cry if I want to..
I love the pictures and am excited to see what else you can do with them. Madison and Sierra had so much fun today with Emily Jen. I love your girls too. I can't look at the pictures today without smiling and giggling. As for the kid thing, you KNOW I can relate. NO YOU DON'T HAVE TO SAY YOU ARE KIDDING!
How did you get the water drops to show distinctly? Is it your camera or the photo shopping?
I hear you about the poopy diapers. Keara always wakes up with an enormous poop in her diaper. The smell almost knocks me over when I pick her up out of the crib, and changing a poopy diaper with a wiggly kid is not the way I like to start the morning, especially when I am still half asleep.
OMG, if Rob wasn't sleeping I would be laughing so hard!
Ok, Maleah is SO into "why? why? why?" right now, and you know what seems to be working? answering, then if she asks the same thing again? Ask her why right back. I usually say" I don't know Maleah, why do you thing (x)?" I'm serious, it's working! Try it, and I hope it works for you! BTW, those pics are ADORABLE! I want photoshop SO bad! I tell Justin he doesn't have to buy me the $1000 camera I want if I get photoshop.... I could just fix any pic up with it! but I'm lying, I still want a new camera! hehehe... my new mantra? I'm never satisfied, so DEAL with it... I don't think he'd find that funny unfortunately...
To continue my novel, you're awesome, and it's SO normal to be so uber frustrated with your kids. Having 2 really is crazy tiring, especially if you're with them all the time! keep smiling, mama, you're doing great! :)
K, you made me laugh! Jessica said she'd forgotten I used to do that until she read your blog. I think she called me shadey or something. Sasha's suggestion works too, but I never found that quite as funny!
Love the water fun!
Margaret: it's the camera. Me Jennifer and her Husband all had our canon's out and they all took really good photos with the water spraying (I'll post more tomorrow). Sasha and Margaret: you could always get Photo shop elements for about $80 or so and then upgrade later. It's good for scrapbookers so I've heard but doens't have all the features the $600 version has.
Tonight I've been trying the different things suggested to me with EMily and her why's. I'm trying to have more patience....
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