Lizy and I were talking about picture quilts Saturday.
(so here's the one I was talking about Lizy!). It's faded some from washing (once) and I think there is a way to avoid this but only made it for Emily's doll bed so I didn't follow directions to a T.

I made the
Chocolate, Peanut Butter, Cream Cheese bagel spread! It is sooo yummy!

My poor poor baby...Saturday night I decided to get in a little sewing. I turned on the iron, got my stuff ready and put Ava in the
Bumbo seat on my desk. I left the room to get the tray that goes on the seat and heard her crying. I didn't think something had happened I just thought she wanted me to come back. So I go in there, trip over the ironing board, hop around cursing and then finally looked up at Ava. She had the most horrible look on her face. It was contorted and pouty and sad and just awful (really, I can't describe it). She was not screaming as loud as one would think after being burned by the iron because I think the pain was so awful she could barely get the cries out. Oh my poor baby! I set her next to the iron! I did this! Her little flailing arms landed on the hot iron! I literally ran around the house holding her, both of us crying, and me pulling out books left and right trying to figure out what to do while telling Jon to look online. I was an EMT!! But do you think I'd remember something as simple as taking care of a 2ND degree burn? You can't think when your baby and you are crying (at least I can't). So long story short, she is fine. She passed out after some Tylenol and me rocking her for a bout an hour. She has been fine since and has not even acted like she got burned. No wincing when she grabs something with that hand or crying when she curls her fingers, etc.
One last thing: Mary, we all had a lot of fun at Nicolas' party. Thank you for having us and for being so understanding about Emily trying to open his presents:) The food was really good and I really enjoyed being with your family and friends. oh, and I LOVE the goody bags! You did really good:)
Will my burn story make you feel better? Ethan was "helping" me cook one day and reached for something on the counter and put his whole hand down on the hot burner. It's the glass top stove so you don't think as much. It wasn't in use at the time but had been turned off only a few minutes earlier. Luckily I had a bottle of aloe vera gel in the kitchen that I keep for just that type of emergency. You cry and you feel bad for a few days, but you move on and your kids survive!
Thank goodness, they don't remember!!!! Hey, Jess sent that organizer for you!
When I was a little older than Ava, an older child burned my arm with a hot lightbulb. It was so bad that I had to go the emergency room and still have a faint scar. I've forgiven my mom for leaving me with the crazy kid, I'm sure Ave will forgive you to =-) And thanks for coming and bringing the girls. Nicolas had sooo much fun with Emily, and I loved watching them. I told Eric that next year we need to give Nicolas a sister for his birthday.
Thanks everyone! It DOES make me feel better. I knew if I told anyone who would listen, that they too would have a story and I needed to hear that I'm not the only one:)
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