I took Emily and Ava out to the side of the house today so Emily could play in the blow up pool. It was disgusting hot. Sweat-running-down-your-temples-and-other-places hot even when sitting and doing nothing! And I just want everyone to know that Ava is not fat but big boned! I swear I'm not feeding her anymore than I did Emily at that age. Ava is now....get ready... brace yourself...18 and a half pounds at 6 months!! Emily was 17.7 pounds at 9 months.
You kill me! Africa hot, why didn't I think of that? I was just thinking really really really hot.
Those kids are just absolutey delicious! I laughed out loud when I saw the pictures. Love them!
I guess it could be worse...it could be Iraq hot. 124 or higher. GROSS! They look so cute, and Ava Arwin is wonderfully chunky and makes me VERY hungry :)
Oh yeah? Kuwaiti hot isn't fun, either. 122 degrees, with MAJOR humidity! I'm talking hot hot hot, the gulf is evaporating and clinging to you like saran wrap! uggg... even spending time in the pool makes you hot. I'm thinkin' Germany will make me cold! jk... I know it's hot there. I LOVE the pics you took! Your girl, just TOO damn cute!!! I can't wait to get there and see them! I love your header, too! sweet, sweet, sweet (sweat, too! blah!)
I TRULY meant girlS, just forgot the s... they are both ADORABLE!!!! love to you all!
That's so funny! When I got home today I was thinking of an "It's so Hot" blog. It's so hot:
When you get out of the shower you can't tell if that's water or sweat.
Milk will curdle when left on the table for two hours.
I hadn't gotten farther than that so I didn't post it! Hahahaha!
OMG!!! What an adorable picture. Ava is sitting. Look at all those rolls. I just want to squeeze her. I totally love Emies glasses, she looks like a movie star...
chica :)
You have the cutest girls in the world!!! Well, mine might be a little cuter, but there's that mother's bias and all. Ava is such a chuncky monkey! But she wears it well. You have heard some of my feelings about big babies, and none of them apply to her! She is so adorable!!!!!
I felt the same way you do about fat babies but Ava is just so precious and sweet. She does wear it well!! I never thought I'd have a chubby baby but now that i do I love it! it really helps that she's adorable and those long eyelashes and beautiful dark hazel eyes. I just looked and Emily was 19 lbs at 1 year and Ava is almost 19 lbs at 6.5 months!! Crazy! I just assumed Ava would be the same as Emily in size, etc. boy was I wrong! And I don't think I feed her more than I should. I'm shocked everday that I see those rolls on her legs/arms becasue I truly thought she'd be an exact copy of emily (regarding body type). I have no idea why I thought that and now I feel retarded:)
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