Bunny slippers for Ava made from
this pattern. I also made a the same exact pair but smaller for Heidi's new baby but I forgot to take a photo.

A new apron made from new fabric (for the store). I love this fabric! It's Michael Miller and it's called something like "first sight".

Here's that sandwich
I blogged about a while ago. I made the lunch sack and chips plus a donut to go with it. It's for a friends little girl who's birthday was a week or so ago. I'm late...In my defense I messed up on the bag. "Katie" was supposed to be embroidered on the bag not on a piece of felt
then sewed on to the bag. I had cut out the bag, embroidered it then sewed the seams and realized I had cut the bag too small (actually I embroidered her name to big!). SO instead of throwing the whole thing out I just cut her name off the too small one and sewed it on a bigger one. Not my 1st choice but I wasn't going to throw away the whole thing! I did her name because my dad used to pack our lunches and he'd draw on the bags.

Who asked me if Emily ever wears tutu's? Corinnea? Well anyway, I said she wears all her tutu's and princess clothes at once for about 5 minutes then takes them of and won't touch them for another month or so. That's how she rolls....
*this photo with Ava peeking out reminds me of those photos that you take at a bar (for example) and when you develop them there's a guy in the back ground making a face or something worse like his pants are down. I think there's a page dedicated to this type of thing in Maxim magazine or one of those men's magazines.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE everything!!!!!!! That apron is too fun!
Emily and Ava? Man they always make me laugh! Actually you always make me laugh too......
The sack is cute! And you're so clever! The bunny slippers are adorable and I love the pic of Em in the tutus! :) OH! And the apron too!!
I love it all! Ava is too cute peeking out the side.
You have been busy! Thnakks for sharing. You know I love everything you create. The fabric is sooo cute! and the girls as usual are adorable.... :)
Great work on the bag and play food. So cute!
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