I made a "dish" for the Sushi. It's made from Peltex, stitch witchery and cotton fabric.

I added bias tape to the top edge. It wasn't easy sewing the tape over the Peltex and cotton thickness so the stitches are wobbly.

Emily played in the snow with her friends this afternoon and I got to finally use my fish eye lens outside.

The ponds guards reminded my friend Lisa that we can't take photos on base:)
Just when I thought it couldn't be cuter, you go and make a box for it!!! Too too cute.
You mean the Pond guard took the time to come into housing and tell you that becuase you are on post you cannot take pics of your kids outside your housing????? Hmmmm, wish they'd been that on the ball the night I had to tell them someone was photographing cars leaving post. They were on the outside of the fence right across from the pedestrian gate house!
This gift just keeps getting cooler. Even Eric is excited. I bet you nicolas is going to want to take it to bed. He is just going to go crazy.
I love that picture of Emily, it is too cute.
That is so stinkin cool! Are you going to do other types of sushi or stick to rolls?
the guards were already on base doing their rounds. I see them all the time patrolling. I was afraid they'd ask for my film like in a movie...but it's digital and this is not a movie:) I'm so glad you two like the box! I wanted Mary to have a place to store the sushi since she likes to put everything in it's place at the end of the day:)
Kelly: I might some day buy a misc. sushi pattern. all I had was this one type. I've got more stuff comeing too! I just haven't posted about it yet...
Hahaha-Emily makes the craziest faces sometimes! And seeing the felt Sushi is making me crave some real sushi! Awesome work, Jen.
Also, I think you're allowed to take pictures of your friends, fam,and kids on post, they just don't want you taking pictures just of the bldgs, like housing, offices, or even cars- like corinnea mentioned someone was doing. I've been told I can't take pictures outside once b/c I was taking one of the view from our blding, but never when I was taking pictures of and with ppl on post. Ponds gaurds also just have sticks up their you-know-what's sometims. If I were you I'd just shrug it off.
Wow I totally didn't know you weren't allowed to take pictures of stuff on base... is this a new rule? Do they realize that if you google earth patch you can see the 24 hour marathon going on (the photo is THAT good) and NOTHING is blacked out? I am so glad I dont have to deal with the Ponds anymore they have a total complex!
Love the Sushi!
The sushi and Emily are so cute!
It looks cold there, but it makes my heart warm.
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