Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Twice in one week

I have stuff to blog about but things keep coming up. Like food poisoning. Really bad think I'm dying, trip to the ER, food poisoning . My 2nd trip to the ER since being home. 1st was Strep and only one week before. Then the day after the food poisoning ER visit we drove to Disneyland for two days. We had already reserved the rental car and hotel so we had to go! And it was hot and crowded and truthfully not fun. But we might go again for one day this time instead of two and just adults, no kids, no wheel-chair-bound Grammy.
Anyway, above is a large Ditty Bag (pattern here) made from a linen bought on etsy.
It was made for Jenny B for no other reason than I saw the fabric and thought of her. We went to London several years ago and it was fabulous!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Baby Binky Bunny

 The other half of baby Mimi's present.
Binky Bunny is made from linen and wool felt. His diaper is flannel.

She's just chillin', catching some rays. 
The flight from Dallas to San Diego. Ava passed out finally after crying.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

This and That

Random stuff I had going on before I left for America:)
Basket Case Quilt made from Dream On by Moda fabric.

This label I made many many months ago and forgot to show it. I used my Pfaff to do it. Look at the Frankenstein stitches on that binding! Oh how I hate to hand sew!

One day I got out all the quilts I had made and machine sewed labels to them.

a long time ago I found these to child-size folding chairs at the thrift store on base. I have already recovered the red one in a certain red riding hood vinyl and will do the yellow one soon. I'm just not sure if I want to leave the chairs as is: mustard and ketchup or paint them white? or what? I guess I should show the new fabric before I ask...

Remember when Emily was to spend a week in the hospital?
 I had made her a Hello Kitty pillow case to take with her.
I am starting a quilt tomorrow for my sister-in-law out of the Sherbet Pips line.
Emily was diagnosed with pink eye the day before we flew to the states.
Ava threw up the night we got the states.
I am now sick with a bad sore throat that has lasted tooo long. Yay!
but I'm here and I have eaten at Wiener Schnitzel so all is good:)
oh, and I saw Bridesmaids. I'm not sure I've ever CRIED that much from laughing.  

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Juice Box

Baby sized quilt made for baby Mimi's 1st birthday. It's not as cute as I thought it would be be but I still like it. Jocelyn (Mimi's mom) is a red & black girl and Mimi looks so beautiful in red so it had to be red:)
I'll post the 2nd half of this gift when it arrives at their house.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Chinese Princess

Sorry for the picture overload that has nothing to do with crafting:)
It was so beautiful yesterday evening so I made the girls quickly put on their princess dresses and go outside to take photos. I did not add sun flare to these. I used an action for a tiny bit of color and a tiny bit of haze to the ones that were closer up. Other than that the haze you see in these is straight out of the camera. It was really beautiful out.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


1st let me announce the winner of the passport sleeve!
#1 Sylvia
Thank you Sylvia for stopping by my blog:) I'm happy this will go to a good home.
Send me your address in an email and I'll have this out to you soon!
Thanks everyone else for leaving comments:)
Jenny H: I wish I had my bangs hair sprayed back in my photo! I'm sure you looked female at least. I had my hair all pulled back in a ponytail that you can't see, so it looks like I have very short hair and my name is either Chris or Pat and you're not sure if I'm male or female. I did have a driver's license I LOVED but it expired. I will cherish it forever..
The above tissue holder was the 1st project for my student (she didn't make this one, this is just to show what we did) and the Baby Binky Bunny was her 2nd. That's right, I'm teaching beginning sewing! I'm teaching a teacher actually! I'm teaching Emily's teacher Keeley to sew. She is super excited about sewing, wants to learn and she catches on quick. All things that make a perfect student:) Next she'll be making pj shorts for her baby, Roman.
*I could not find the tutorial for the tissue holder. Darn it! When 1st looking for one I googled pocket tissue holder and found one that had that piece down the front. I ended up making it a tiny bit smaller because the 1st one I made was too big (the 3rd picture down).

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