I love these gummy-marshmallow-ey little bits of heaven. They are my kryptonite. I can't stop at just one and would be upset if you offered me just one and didn't give me more. My friend Heidi introduced me to them probably a year or two ago and I love her so much for that:) I never noticed what they were called; I just knew them by sight. My German friend Connie is always saying, "mama bussi?" to her daughter (mama kiss?) and the other day when searching for my gummy's, I saw what they were called and just loved them even more. Silly I know. But my girls LOVE it when I say mama bussi to them. I can't help but repeat the things my friend says since I'm around her ALL the time. Another thing I find my self wanting to shout (for no reason) is "hin sitzen!!!". My friend is always shouting at her 2 year old to sit down while in her stroller. Oh that just made me think of my friend Jenny B who used to live here and would shout "Shasta neun" at her dog (Shasta NO!). That and hin sitzen run through my head all the time begging to be let out.
I guess bussi is Bavarian for kiss. When I said "my German friend" I should have said "my Bavarian friend" because she says she's not German but Bavarian like Texans are not American, but Texans.
I got this off Urban Dictionary (my favorite part of that site is when words are used in a sentence. Thanks Jocelyn for introducing me to that site)
German slang for a kiss - meant to make someone feel better when injured. It's mostly used to comfort children and is generally seen as a childish/immature word.
"aww would you like a bussi to make it feel better?"
So really this post has nothing to do with anything. I just love these gummy thingies and I'm not even a candy-type person. More of a Chocolate lover but these are darn good!. Has anyone ever seen them in the States?
Thanks everyone for your kind comments about Jon being over there and us apart. But I do get to go home for Christmas! I will spend Christmas with his family and mine and it will be awesome:) We're going to Disneyland again. Yay!!!