I did not make the girls costumes this year! Only the jet packs (that double as a trick-or-treat bag!). I love making costumes but only if it's exciting to me and making a white jump suit with patches and buckles, etc. was not appealing especially when I could buy it already made. The helmets, jumpsuits, shoe covers and gloves are from amazon.com
The jet pack is from this Pinterest pin. I had to make it by just looking at what this person had done so I included a photo that tells you what items I used to make them. What's not on the picture is that I used a white primer first then a silver metallic spray paint on the whole thing. I glued everything with a hot glue gun and made cris-crossing straps to keep it on the body out of black elastic. Also, the box you use has to be wide enough to fit the dyer hose.
The girls would hold up the dryer hose to people handing out candy and they would drop the candy in. It then goes down into the box. Genius huh? Thank you to whoever thought this up!

I cut slits in the boxes and inserted the elastic (criss crossed so they'd stay on the kids shoulders) then tied D rings to the ends (on the inside of the box) so they wouldn't slide back out of the hole. These boxes contained individual packs of gold fish (like you'd buy at costco maybe) so it has a pre cut "dispenser-like" cut in it. That's what I used as the opening to get the candy out. The nasa printouts are just printed on cardstock.
Love it. Just saying.
What a brilliant idea! Your jetpacks look great.
Most awesome candy collection system ever!!!
Love love love the candy collecting jet packs! They're costumes were awesome! The close up pics of the girl's faces capture their very different, individual personalities!
Um, these are awesome. The candy tubes!! So cool!!
I am not sure if this is an obvious question. How does the child take the candies out? I have an aspiring astronaut this year. Thank you.
Hi! There is an opening on the back. I can send you a photo if you send me your email! Also, I'm selling these costumes along with the jet pack on ebay!
Where can I find that helmet??
Chasingfireflies.Com or Amazon
Love this so much! Can I ask how you did the NASA print outs? Just on regular paper or laminated or cardstock? Do you have a picture of the candy opening?
I have sent emails (by just hitting reply) to those that asked for info/pictures but if you didn't leave me you'r email address them you probably didn't get the email. I have also updated the blog post to answer the questions asked recently. Thanks! Jennifer
I have sent emails (by just hitting reply) to those that asked for info/pictures but if you didn't leave me you'r email address them you probably didn't get the email. I have also updated the blog post to answer the questions asked recently. Thanks! Jennifer
This is me! Haha. So funny to see this floating around Pinterest so many years later. I had no idea. This is still one of my favorite costume items we’ve made. I’m glad your little ones enjoyed it as well!
Thanks for the inspiration! We made a similar (but smaller) jetpack for our preschooler this year, and added a clear plastic take-out container lid as a window on the jet pack so you can see the candy dropping in. It was a big hit!
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