1-36" dowel, 1/2" thick (makes 3 wands)
2 yards of 1.5" wide double faced satin ribbon for each wand
1 metal hook for each wand, see picture as I don't know the name of them (eye hook?)
1 split ring for each wand, about 1/2" round
spray paint and sparkle Mod Podge
blue painters tape (or masking tape)
Fray check or clear nail polish
1. cut one 36" dowel in to 3 equal parts (3 sticks at 12" each)
2. put dowel in a clamp and drill hole into one end of dowel, screw in hooks
2. put dowel in a clamp and drill hole into one end of dowel, screw in hooks
3. cover hook with blue masking tape and while holding the blue taped end, spray paint dowel several coats
4. I then coated each dowel with sparkle Mod Podge several times
5. after it dries, take off blue painters tape
6. insert split ring on to hook (like picture) and tie ribbon on to split ring, real tight.
7. use fray check or clear nail polish on ends of ribbon knot and ends of ribbon so they won't fray.

*but please please disregard the super bright green of the photos! I had underexposed the pictures when I took them so then had to drastically edit them in photo shop.

The next post should be from the airplane ride and then DisneyLand.
We're having lots of fun here:)
HOW DID YOU KNOW that TODAY OF ALL DAYS Haven would decide she needed a ribbon wand and I would be trying to make one. You are a genius! They are adorable!
I to can't beleive the timing of this post. I had to text Kelly, but she had already seen it. Not only are you a genius, but you're a psychic to. I want to make these my my nieces. So So Cute!
I miss you =(
Love them! I may make one for myself. Not kidding.
So glad you're having a great time! Love you too, miss you lots!
LOVE this! I need to find a reason to make one now... maybe if I made it in blue matt wouldn't mind me giving it to a boy....
Thanks! Too weird and funny that I posted this when you were making one yourself Kelly! I got the idea on HOW to make it from an etsy seller. The double faced satin is important for when you get knots. I'm not sure how easily one sided satin will un-knot. The dble faced slides right out. I wish I had put more thought into them as they are kind of plain but the girls seem pleased with them.
The ribbon wands are really cute! I like the idea. I LOVE the story below too. I am glad that you are having a good time on your visit so far and I really like the new header. I can't get over the fact that you are so close and yet feel so far away. I wish that we could afford to come down there (and the kids were not in school) because I really would like to see you all. It makes me kind of sad :( Love you and miss you...Jen
Very cool! And an awesome idea for a girl's party! :) I used to have these when I was younger.
I bet the enjoyed them immensely!
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