Here's the girls playing on their Trunki's. They didn't play with them a lot but they did use them.

Emily was SO good. I'm mean crazy good. She had to sit still for a very long time and close her eyes then open then close then open. that went on for a long time. then she was subjected to a strobe light for a long time (turn off turn on, close eyes open eyes, etc.). She never cried or thrashed or tried to get up but instead did everything the Dr. asked. I was shocked! She was so good, all 5 hours at the hospital that she got a special treat: The Last Unicorn dvd. the 1982 version! Now Ava on the other hand was...less than good. She did good the 1st hour or two but then got tired and crazy!
So Emily is now on medication, will have an MRI next Tuesday and follow up with another EEG and blood tests in October right before we move. Hopefully she'll not have any problems on the 10 hour +5 hour flights going home!
In case your interested, the Dr. thinks she has Focal epilepsy and or Rolandic epilepsy.