Isn't he adorable? It's kind of like a topsy-turvy doll. I had one when i was younger. Its was little red riding hood/wolf/grandma all in one. I wish I still had it.
Not the best photos but you get the idea. He was not hard to make but I did make a huge mistake. I cut all his pieces out before I read the instructions. I was supposed to ADD 1/4" seam to all his pieces. Why oh why weren't they already on the patterns pieces? Why add?? So he is smaller than he should be therefore making him a little funky. By this I mean you can't stuff the one up inside the other to far because the neck area is too small. So their heads are deflated. When George is stuffed with the dragon the dragon acts as stuffing but since I can't get the dragon up farther than the neck..
Just wanted to show the other end. He was not fun to turn right sides out (you pull the dragon through George's head for the initial turn then sew up the head). All I kept thinking was, "I'm gonna have to give him an episiotomy!". I could not get that dragon out of his head. So I had to cut his hole bigger. oops. Gross. Some advice: don't type in to google "episiotomy" to check spelling. The pictures that came up...oh man...brought back memories.

The pattern is from here. If I was to do it again and I actually have another almost done for a relative with a little boy, I would do it bigger!
Whoever ordered/asked for/begged for/complained for this heat is not my friend. I'm MISERABLE. I'm dyeeeiiiinnng! And the worst part? It was only 79 or so yesterday. Whaaat? It truly felt like 90-100. I think (because it's been so long since I've been home) that my home town of San Diego averages about 75 and it's not hot like this!! When it gets to 90-100 then it's hot there.
I can't believe how cute this turned out! His mustache is my favorite part!!!
Well, I enjoyed being your friend. It was nice while it lasted. I'm just SO grateful to not be freezing my a** off anymore!!!
OMG the dragon/knight is AMAZING! You rock!!! Remember popples? I think that's what they were called... not nearly as cool as what you just did! I love it!
I am so glad I got to see this in person.... It's AWESOME. I want to copy you exactly plus a 1/4 of an inch.
I am truly sorry I was not more specific about the weather. I really only wanted 79 degrees. I promise I will be more clear about it next year. Your former friend.... =0
Wow- you're losing a lot of friends! :P It is really hot, but I'm enjoying the few nice days we get each year...no one's completely happy either way, really.
The dragon and the knight are sooo cool and cute looking! If/when you make another you'll have to post more pics so we can see how those turn out! :)
Stay cool!
Love him! Though I would have an urge to get more decorative with the dragon side! I had one of those little red riding dolls too... I think we found it junking... now I am wondering if it's still sitting around somewhere or not... hmmm.
OMG... I need to stop all other project to make this! George and the Dragon is my FAV! And um... I was laughing about the episiotomy thing until you said not to type in into google, just imagining what would come up would make me faint... glad I was on the other end of it... ewww
I also dislike those who wished for heat, this is miserable!!!
This is adorable!!! Love it! makes me want to make it because it is soooo darn cute. This heat is miserable, I hate it!!!! Can't sleep and I walk half naked around my house all day long .....
ouch, the episiotomy is cracking me up.
He looks great even with the oopsie. I will add the seam allowance to the pattern pieces so others don't make the mistake - Thanks for the good advice!
I'm glad george and the dragon is so loved! Thank you Laura for such an awesome pattern! I can't wait to try your other new ones. And regarding the seam allowance..well that was my own fault for not reading it through...but it would be nice if it was already included!
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