The rain took a break the other day so i was able to spray paint this bucket. Spray painting metal is soooo much better than acrylic and a brush! It still wanted to flake off but after the Outside Mod Podge and then a final spray with clear varnish, it's not so bad. The Outside Mod Podge left it very tacky so that's why I sprayed it with the clear stuff.

I only had one sticker to put in the inside this time.
Oh my those are some cute pictures! I love that bucket.
I knew I would like this bucket better! I was right :)The pictures are too too cute! We all love them. Especiallly the one of Em with the tongue out and Ava on the phone.
Not sure which I like better! Very cute idea!
LOVE the pics of the girls. LOVE LOVE LOVE.
I think Em needs a camera of her own!
Oh it looks great! I love it!
So adorable! I might like this one better...!
Super duper cute! We're watching the movie right now.
Love the pic of Emily! Do they make that shirt in big people sizes?
Just as cute as the other one. Like them both :) Love the pictures of the girls. Emy looks like a "ROCK STAR" with her tongue out like that. DO they ever take bad photos?
I love both of the buckets!! And the photos are really neat. :)
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