..is another girls treasure! I've been stalking this bookshelf for a while now. It was in the frame shop. I asked about it a month ago (?) and then asked again yesterday. Deana was the owner and said I could have it!! But it wasn't going to fit in my car and Kelly is SO MEAN about stuff lying around the office (he he he). Heidi just happen to come in (hi Heidi! thank you
sooooo much!!) and said she could take it to my house. I really loaded it up with books and other junk for right now. When it's all sorted out and pretty I'll post another photo. It needs a paint job too.
SCORE! Great shelf!!! I would LOVE to come on the 17th, if I can get signed on. :) I am sorry I've been out of touch. Been trying to be more crafty and spend more time with the kidlets. They've been bored lately. I'll talk to you soon!
Cuz I NEVER leave anything lying around the office! Ok, that's a lie... but my stuff is normally paper lightsabers and random burger king toys! Hehe! It looks GREAT in your house!
I finnaly was able to get a large item home! I still own that coat rack you know! But I like it where it is for now:)
haha, yeah, that was taking up space in the frane shop, glad it found a home =) great use for it btw...
LOVE this! Totally want one! I think we need a tour of the girls room it all looks so cute!
you know how you see panoramic views of things on line (such as the Rhine Falls)? You click the arrow and it pans. How do you do that? That would be cool! If we could do that of the store and put it on the blog...hmm.. kelly, get on that will ya?
Good job! It looks great in their room!
I really don't go back to the frame shop often enough. Or maybe I just don't pay enough attention?? Anyway, Kudos on the find, Jennifer!
Jennifer, Jennifer!!!! I love the pictures you post of your home, I really think I need to stay there next time I come to visit You Know Who.......you are amazing. Do you ever sleep?!?!?!?! Your sweet baby girls have the cutest room ever and I too would love to see a BIG picture of it......and of course, you KNOW I love the amazing bags you create.
Oh Norma norma norma! Such nice things you say! But really, you don't want to stay at my house. Just yesterday Ava pulled EMily's bowl of noodles on to the carpet so now we have a huge orange stain and Emily pee'd in her chair while playing a computer game (she's potty training). At least the chair is wood and the floor beneath is wood...but anyway, our house is a mess! pee and noodles everywhere! eww, that sounds gross. we need a bigger house!!! and a maid and a cook and a nanny and..
You have a normal house after all!!! Pee and noodles, it brings back memories! Remember, I too had two little sweet peas running around years ago. And look at them now!!! They help me, that's when you get pay back for all that cleaning up after. Enjoy the journey.....
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