My parents brought this for me when they were here last month.
I hadn't seen it in years..
I need to finish it (I'll post a picture when I do finish it) and I think some of these are in the wrong spot.
Where's the picture with my missing eyebrow?
I think it was grade 5...

And here's something crafty! More baby tees for the store.
Very cute! I am NOT going to post old pictures of myself. I want you to think I have always been this gorgeous!
HAHAHAHA! No, I mean... it's not so bad! I was fat, had braces and glasses, and short permed hair!
I just read what you said about me in my picture and now I feel bad!!!!! I was just joking!
Don't feel bad Kelly! I know I look funny and dorky! I'm trying to laugh at myself more and not be so uptight:)Posting bad pictures of myself helps me also not feel so weird about this blogging business which is very ..... egotistical, arrogant, big-headed, bombastic, cocky, conceited, crowing, egotistic, hifalutin, hot stuff, know-it-all, pompous, pretentious, puffed-up, self-aggrandizing, self-applauding, snooty, strutting, stuck up, swanky, swollen-headed, vainglorious, vaunting, windbag and I'm having a hard time with that!
So Jennifer, tell us how you really feel....... ha ha ha ha
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