I never make back to school clothes. With sooooo many cute store bought clothes out there why bother? Besides, when I sew it's not to try and save money (that's not always possible! But you can get some really cute store bought stuff on sale!). I sew to be creative and scratch an itch usually. So anyway, I'm pretty excited I actually made stuff for school! These cute puff-sleeved tees are from Old Navy (I have used them before here and here). I bought them last year when they were on sale for $3.75 each.
Kelly posted about the Star Wars convention here in Germany and she had made a tank top using this At-At design. I had to have it!! Emily loves Star Wars and how cute is this design????
I used my Silhouette Cameo for all of these.
This one is my favorite. Besides it being adorable, I layered heat transfer and am so proud of how it turned out! It's supposed to be Emily:)
And Soot Sprites! From the Totoro and Spirited away movies. Love these things. I may have gotten a tattoo of them on my feet....if you're reading this Dad, then I didn't get another tattoo.
I used the trace function on my Silhouette using a graphic off the internet. Once again Kelly came to my rescue! She is sooo knowledgeable on so many things. Thank you Kelly!! I made a bunch of Soot Sprites using vinyl decal material for my sister-in-law and nieces house. When they get them and install them I'll post pictures.
This one is my least favorite. I think I should add more too it. The Sting Ray is fuzzy; I do like that part.
And then Ava's!! She only has one so far. Can you read what it says??

All designs except Star Wars and Soot Sprites are from the Silhouette Store.
This may be my foot in the front, my nieces in the middle (she um...didn't want to finish getting hers done. It hurt. A.LOT.) and my sister-in-laws in the far back. They didn't come out as cute as I envisioned but I still love them.