Pretzel bun dogs...trying to recreate the yummy pretzel bun chili cheese dogs from my all-time favorite eatery, Der Wiener Schnitzel. It's Der-licious!
I made this dough from scratch! And it's very good but I think next time I'll leave out the hot dogs and just make pretzel buns:) And maybe dip them in Velveeta cheese or cream cheese..

Pizza Spaghetti!
Did you know that I HATE spaghetti?? The smell... the sight of it...all make me want to puke. The worst thing is cold spaghetti or smelling it in my kitchen from the night before. Anyway, I found a spaghetti I can eat!!! It has Italian sausage, pepperoni, red sauce, Italian cheese blend and spaghetti noodles. I didn't add the garlic or onions and I strained my sauce to rid it of the dreaded chunks. And this is how you know it's good....I ate it for left overs TWICE!!!! Another thing about me: I HATE leftovers! Except for a couple of things, I don't eat leftovers. I highly recommend this recipe:)
I wanted to pass on this cool thing I found in case someone else needs one of these. We take a lot of trips in the car (I'm talking more than an hour) and needed a place for the portable DVD player. I found this here but had to buy if from I think because of shipping. I love this thing!!! We used it on our trip to Stuttgart 2 weeks ago. Jon said it didn't get in his way while driving. Before, we used to wedge it between the two front seats but it always fell.
Thanks for all the awesome comments last post! I did not expect that! And thanks for the header love too:)
Since we moved here Emily has been sick just about every two weeks (really). Always with a very bad cough. So bad she throws up (remember the bus incident?). When she is sick we all get sick. I finally took her to the Dr. yesterday and guess what?? She may have asthma! This poor girl...So she got an inhaler and some liquid steroid stuff to take for 10 days. She is already noticeably better. Oh did I mention that when she gets these coughs I can't send her to school because she throws up and will be sent home and we only have one car and Jon's in the field? So she has to stay home even if she has no fever or seems OK. If she has that cough she'll throw up. Guaranteed. The Dr wants to see her again in 10 days and maybe then we'll find out if she has asthma or not. I don't know how they find this out but we'll see. And this Tuesday we report to the hospital for her seizure testing! Yippee!