2 years that have seriously changed my life. I love having a blog to show off my crafts and get feed back and occasionally inspire someone like I'm inspired by all the blogs out there. And my blog is a place to show off my two girls to my family back in the states. Only my parents have met Ava in person and she's 2!
So thanks everyone for stopping by and leaving comments:) I feel loved.
Want to know who won the most adorable polka-dotted bag?
If I tell you, you still have to scroll down and look at the new shirt I made Emily.
The winner is....#8 Kara,
the other girl with long monkey arms!! yay! I don't have to mail this to her! I mean..thanks everyone for commenting! I will have another giveaway sometime in the future..
now look at the pictures I posted even if you didn't win:)
*I used random.org for the number choosing*

Completely copied from this flickr-er.

2 random blurry photos of Ava and Emily.

You know, I was against blogs a long time ago. Stupid reasons that I won't go in to. But then sometime in the summer/fall of 2007 I discovered the Black Apple, Wee Wonderfuls and Angry Chicken blogs (just to name a few who caught my eye back then). I was blown away. Seriously. I have been sewing forever and all this time I have felt alone with the sewing. I didn't know to many people my age who sewed. It wasn't cool. The Fabric store I worked at in the States for so many years had only a few young people. And yes I work at a craft store here in Germany and yes there are young people but it wasn't until we moved to our new location that the sewing part of the store took off. At the other location it was old lady quilting for the most part:) Am I right girls I used to work with??