Our christmas tree and decorations. I almost finished Ava's stocking today. When i do I'll post it but then I have to do mine. These things have been sitting in a container for two years partially completed.

I love my pretzels and see the Henry the 8Th ornament I got in London?
Below is Emily's tree. Ava wants it baaad. She touches it when ever she can. Those Hallmark Tappers next to Emily's tree are the coolest things. I just ordered the Elf. Individually they play music and tap to the beat. But when you link them, they all dance together. I'm not sure if this link will work but it's them tapping.
Make sure the sound is on.

At one point I literally had Ava by the back of her jacket holding her up out of the water. She had walked right into it. She only got her shoes a little wet but when I grabbed her I didn't want to drop my camera (if she fell in she'd be wet but OK. If my camera fell in it would be ruined and I wouldn't be OK) and knocked her a little so she fell and got her hands in the water. I know it looked so bad to anyone passing by...
She is fearless. So unlike Emily (see above photo where she is shooing the ducks away)

The best ever, Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Muffins from here.
I upped the cinnamon to 3 tsp and the vanilla to 2 tsp.
I also added a pinch of ginger and a dash of nutmeg ( I have these spoons for just this purpose)
oh, and lots of the regular sized chocolate chips (no wimpy mini chips used here!).