**pioneer woman: sunshine
click on all photos to enlarge
**pioneer woman: sunshineIt was such a gorgeous day.
**pioneer woman: sunshine Our camera decided to not work properly so
we had to use the little pink camera for most of the photos.
**pioneer woman: boost Ava was...out of control and wore both me and Jon out.
**pioneer woman: heartland
I used different photo shop actions on all of these photos except the last one that has me in it and the collage. I'm not posting any crafty stuff but I feel OK about it because the photos are altered and maybe someone can be inspired to do the same:)
**pioneer woman: boost We have taken
a photo of Emily on this mushroom every year. The palace has been doing this pumpkin fest for 10 years now and we've gone to it 5 years in a row. Kind of cool.
I think Ava looks so much like my sister here on the mushroom.

This years theme at the pumpkin fest was fairy tales. The above collage is most of the gourd/pumpkin sculptures (for lack of a better word).

The front of the palace..
normally when we go they have had or are having
pumpkin races on that pond in huge hallowed out pumpkins. It's really cool.
the only picture of me that was decent. Except it looks like I'm wearing a fanny-pack:)