Kodak Gallery erased my account. Well, not all of my account. Just my photos. Only the most important part of the account!! All of them since 2001. This includes my wedding photos. I still have access to my friends shared accounts. Yippee!
I have a headache from this heat and being alone with two kids for too long. Jon is in Mannheim for two weeks but coming home on the weekends and while I love these small separations, I have a small child that wants me to look at everything she does. This includes hopping on one foot to pretending to chew gum to wanting me to watch her race herself to the other end of the living room and shout with her that she won! and then i have another one that screams like a siren/pterodactyl and that's all I have to say about that. And the fighting between these two! Oh my God!! So I couldn't have discovered this at a worse time.
I knew they were going to erase my photos by a certain time. I knew this and I did nothing about it because i was waiting for the warning emails. Seriously. I was waiting for them to say something one month out, one week out, the day before or something like that. They emailed me 6 months or so before and that's it. Yes, it's my responsibility to check my date and write it down (I swear I did this but now can't find it on my calendar) and then just order something that totals $4.99 so I can keep my photos on their site for another 90 days. I thought they'd want my business!
I'm a big girl and I realize I messed up but they messed up too. I love some of their products. But I will not shop with them again. I'll most likely just shut down my account and I'll have to force myself to just keep my business between Shutterfly and Snapfish. Kodak Gallery was the 1st place I ever uploaded prints to so you can imagine how many photos I had on there. I'm going to stop writing and go cry:(
Because I can't post without a crafty thing to show and some random photos I came across today:
This was made years ago! One of my 1st quilting experiences. It's a table runner made from Moda fabrics. And it was a gift for my Step mom. Even though it's not my style I really love it. I pieced it AND quilted it! I used clear thread on the top and cream on the bottom to do a meandering type design. This project was where I 1st learned that a 1/4" foot really matters.

To prove to my coworkers that I really did wear big earrings in the late 80's early 90's. This is on the plane to San Francisco with my sister. I think 1991 or 1992 (maybe 20 years old?). And no that is not a perm. I used to actually encourage my hair to be it's most natural:) You go hair!

This is Jon a year after I met him. Not
River Phoenix like you 1st thought I'm sure:) Did you know that River's last name was actually Bottom? His family changed it. River Bottom... poor guy. Although, I did want to name Emily, Sunday Parrish.

No reason for this picture..1995

Me at Yardage City of San Diego, 1995 (the blond is Andrea). My hips aren't really that big.

Me and my sister..1993 or thereabouts. We set the camera on the side of the pool with the timer.