It was tough but I persuaded Emily to put the top on. She kept saying Nooooo, not that one!! And she HATES having her photo taken now. You can't tell in these photos because I took about 30 and 25 are of her crying or hiding.

She's pointing to Ava saying she wants the toy she has.

I can't believe she didn't want to wear it!!! The other day when you came in she was SO proud of it! Man, she's a cutie!
I would just love it when the kids had those days. Like they'll die if you take another picture..... She is cute anyway!!! and thank goodness for digital!
I love the top! I'm glad you went with the ruffle, it gives it just the right *thing*. And I love the model, too....too cute!
Funny about the ruffle. I wasn't sure if I should do it and Corinnea said I must. She's gennnnius!
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